Yes, I am. Happy. :)
These past few weeks have been great! I am beginning to become more attentive to how people affect my life and how I feel day to day. I have a greater understanding of how different people influence others as well as myself. For example, with music, its funny how you listen to different music around different people. Whether it's with Jeremy or with my co-workers ..
speaking of Jeremy...
..I have a new boyfriend ... :)
Jeeerrrremy Huffmaann..
He makes me incredibly happy. -Didn't think this day would come quite honestly .. you know, the day where I say, "Hey, you know what? - I'm happy"
Yep. There ya have it. My man ...
Well that's all for now he's the only thing on my mind... I'm too distracted to blog. :)
Peace & Blessings.